‘As my partner Caroline took me to Amerika 10 years ago, I fell in love with Texas, says owner Pim. Together we like the western lifestyle a lot along with the Texan people and climate. Our life motto is 'Living the dream'. Therefor we bought a piece of property in 2007 and built our own ranch. At the Pica Ranch we are now living our dream in Texas. We are hoping to meet everybody who would like to get a taste of this life style at our ranch.'
Pim de Lange: In 2006 I traded in my motorcycle for an Quarter horse named Dudes Lucky Award (aka Gray). The love for Quarters came thru my wife Caroline. By going to shows and training sessions with her I fell head over heels for this very special breed. I was especially attracted by the trail class and together with my horse Gray I even became Dutch Champion in that class in 2010. As we were on vacation in Texas in 2007 I made my mind up. This is where I want to grow old with my wife, our horses and dogs. Originally by profession I am a financial controller but now I have turned into a real ranch owner. It is my dream to share this life with as many people as possible. The great temperature, the totally beautiful surroundings, the ton of things to go visit and the totally relaxed life style are absolutely worth to experience yourself!
Caroline Schoneveld: for almost 28 years I worked as trainer on the job/coördinator implementations Gids and Autoline with VW/Audi dealers and importer Pon. When Pim asked me to start a “new” life with him in Texas I did not hesitate and said yes immediately. Love for the great Quarter horses I already had. Showing them for years with the western organizations in Pleasure and Halter classes gave my horses and me 3 Dutch National Titles and one Belgium National Title. As of 2012 a new project at work ate up all of my time so unfortunately there was no time left for showing. However the love for Texas was also already given to me by my dad. As a teenager he took me with him to San Antonio Texas as he needed to work for a company there. I would love to show everybody the awesome scenery by showing guests car- and motorcycle tours thru the Texas Hill Country. Also I would love to take guests on typical Texan activities. Come and experience it all yourself!
Bobby Garner: one of the last old fashion cowboys. ‘Raised as a cowboy I worked with cattle and horses as of a young boy. I specialized in Team Roping and as a Header I became Reserve World Champion Team Roping. On the ranch I take care of the animals and I control the weeds. Would you like to learn how to rope? I would certainly like to teach you the basics of roping!’
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Bonny, Clyde and Smokey (aka Junior): these three donkeys are Bobby’s and live on the Pica Ranch. Clyde is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch. He is definitely a lot older then 20, is very sweet and gray of color. Clyde took care of a descendant with Bonny the dark brown mare. Their son is called Smokey. All together they now proudly walk around on the ranch and they are protecting all the horses. Donkeys can be pretty important for a group of horses. They make sure it is difficult for a mountain lion or bobcat to hunt any of the horses. They make a loud alarming noise when a big cat is around and they will kick the light out of the eyes of the cat if it decides to attack. Smokey is slowly getting used to being padded. He loves to play with his dad and sometimes they get pretty rough with each other but it sure is fun to watch them.
Koek & Zoopie are Pims & Caroline’s dogs.. These dogs where born on the ranch and are half Catahoula and half Australian Shepherds. They are as fast as the wind, very affectionate and comrades for life. You can catch them playing with each other in their dog penn, tumbling over each other over and over again. Koek is black and white, sister Zoopie is a three colored dog.
Koek & Zoopie are Pims & Caroline’s dogs.. These dogs where born on the ranch and are half Catahoula and half Australian Shepherds. They are as fast as the wind, very affectionate and comrades for life. You can catch them playing with each other in their dog penn, tumbling over each other over and over again. Koek is black and white, sister Zoopie is a three colored dog.
Cleo came to the ranch by herself and decided to never leave.. In 2013 she gave us kittens. Of these kittens Red decided to stay. Red is a huge big red cat who seems to think he needs to crawl in and on anything he thinks he can fit in…….. Kit walked by the eight of march. He is three years old and loves to play, cuddle and be weird all the time. All three of them are living around Pims and Caroline’s little ranch house and they love to sleep in their laps.
Cleo came to the ranch by herself and decided to never leave.. In 2013 she gave us kittens. Of these kittens Red decided to stay. Red is a huge big red cat who seems to think he needs to crawl in and on anything he thinks he can fit in…….. Kit walked by the eight of march. He is three years old and loves to play, cuddle and be weird all the time. All three of them are living around Pims and Caroline’s little ranch house and they love to sleep in their laps.
Cleo came to the ranch by herself and decided to never leave.. In 2013 she gave us kittens. Of these kittens Red decided to stay. Red is a huge big red cat who seems to think he needs to crawl in and on anything he thinks he can fit in…….. Kit walked by the eight of march. He is three years old and loves to play, cuddle and be weird all the time. All three of them are living around Pims and Caroline’s little ranch house and they love to sleep in their laps.
Grace is a gorgeous black Tennessee Walker mare. She is getting pretty old and she is usually being ridden by Pim. After Clyde she is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch (22). She knows how to gate very well which makes riding on her a breeze for your back. If you would like to find out how this odd rhythm feels Pim will go out of his way to let you experience it.
Dash is a reddish Quarter horse gelding of 11 years old. He is a fairly big horse and he is just as sweet. Cuddling is his favorite thing. Since he is so quiet and relaxed just about anyone can learn how to ride on him. Right now he gets ridden by Caroline however as soon as Grace gets her retirement Pim will be Dashes new rider.
IC is a palomino Paint mare of 9 years old. She is not very big, has a small head, big ears and totally awesome brown and blue eyes. Since she is very friendly and has an extra ordinary character everybody wants to cuddle and ride her. She is being used as a lead horse on trail rides and she takes part in parades. Her usual rider is Caroline.
Cowgirl, Diablo and Buckshot: Cowgirl the very dark brown Quarter horse mare and Diablo the brown Paint horse with the big blaze took care of a descendant. Buckshot is their dark brown rough hared paint gelding also with a big blaze. Buckshot is the clown of the horse group. He likes to play with water, pulls down zippers and pushes of caps and hats. Put your hat back on and he is sure to pull it back off. Like his dad he loves to be cuddled. All of these horses belong to Bobby. -
Grace is a gorgeous black Tennessee Walker mare. She is getting pretty old and she is usually being ridden by Pim. After Clyde she is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch (22). She knows how to gate very well which makes riding on her a breeze for your back. If you would like to find out how this odd rhythm feels Pim will go out of his way to let you experience it.
Dash is a reddish Quarter horse gelding of 11 years old. He is a fairly big horse and he is just as sweet. Cuddling is his favorite thing. Since he is so quiet and relaxed just about anyone can learn how to ride on him. Right now he gets ridden by Caroline however as soon as Grace gets her retirement Pim will be Dashes new rider.
IC is a palomino Paint mare of 9 years old. She is not very big, has a small head, big ears and totally awesome brown and blue eyes. Since she is very friendly and has an extra ordinary character everybody wants to cuddle and ride her. She is being used as a lead horse on trail rides and she takes part in parades. Her usual rider is Caroline.
Cowgirl, Diablo and Buckshot: Cowgirl the very dark brown Quarter horse mare and Diablo the brown Paint horse with the big blaze took care of a descendant. Buckshot is their dark brown rough hared paint gelding also with a big blaze. Buckshot is the clown of the horse group. He likes to play with water, pulls down zippers and pushes of caps and hats. Put your hat back on and he is sure to pull it back off. Like his dad he loves to be cuddled. All of these horses belong to Bobby. -
Grace is a gorgeous black Tennessee Walker mare. She is getting pretty old and she is usually being ridden by Pim. After Clyde she is the oldest four footer on the Pica Ranch (22). She knows how to gate very well which makes riding on her a breeze for your back. If you would like to find out how this odd rhythm feels Pim will go out of his way to let you experience it.
Dash is a reddish Quarter horse gelding of 11 years old. He is a fairly big horse and he is just as sweet. Cuddling is his favorite thing. Since he is so quiet and relaxed just about anyone can learn how to ride on him. Right now he gets ridden by Caroline however as soon as Grace gets her retirement Pim will be Dashes new rider.
IC is a palomino Paint mare of 9 years old. She is not very big, has a small head, big ears and totally awesome brown and blue eyes. Since she is very friendly and has an extra ordinary character everybody wants to cuddle and ride her. She is being used as a lead horse on trail rides and she takes part in parades. Her usual rider is Caroline.
Cowgirl, Diablo and Buckshot: Cowgirl the very dark brown Quarter horse mare and Diablo the brown Paint horse with the big blaze took care of a descendant. Buckshot is their dark brown rough hared paint gelding also with a big blaze. Buckshot is the clown of the horse group. He likes to play with water, pulls down zippers and pushes of caps and hats. Put your hat back on and he is sure to pull it back off. Like his dad he loves to be cuddled. All of these horses belong to Bobby.
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!
On and around the Pica Ranch there is a rich flora. On the Ranch you will find beautiful flowers and many animal species come and go regularly. Nature lovers will have a great time on the ranch. Interested in herbs, birds, butterflies and flowers? You can find many of them here and around the ranch. Many hummingbirds are spotted here too, along with blue jays and red cardinals. There is also a possibility you might spot dear at dusk. From a little hut you can try to see them. With a nocaturnal viewer you can even see everything better. So make sure to bring binoculars, a nocturnal viewer and/or a good camera!